2019 UofT Kendo Tournament Results

Saturday, March 9th, 2019

Division A: Mudansha & Shodan
1st Place: Raymond Kim (University of Waterloo Kendo Club)
2nd Place: Julien Couturier (JCCC Kendo Club)
3rd Place: Jasper Chen (University of Waterloo Kendo Club)
3rd Place: Étienne Mathieu (Montreal Kendo Club)

Division B: Nidan & Sandan
1st Place: Sean Zapanta (University of Toronto Kendo Club)
2nd Place: Takehiro Saito (Ryerson University Kendo Club)
3rd Place: Jimi Lin (JCCC Kendo Club)
3rd Place: Micheal Schoenhofer (Carleton University Kendo Club)

Division W: Women's
1st Place: Francesca Ho (University of Toronto Kendo Club)
2nd Place: Joanna Asare (JCCC Kendo Club)
3rd Place: Man-San Ma (Etobicoke Kendo & Iaido Club)
3rd Place: Véronique Marchand (McGill University Kendo Club)

Division C: Yondan & Above
1st Place: Shawn Kim (Jung Ko Kendo Club)
2nd Place: Elliott Altilia (JCCC Kendo Club)
3rd Place: Harry Kim (Jung Ko Kendo Club)
3rd Place: Eric Jung (Jung Ko Kendo Club)

Division T: Teams
1st Place: JCC A (JCCC Kendo Club)
2nd Place: JKO A (Jung Ko Kendo Club Team A)
3rd Place: UOT B (University of Toronto Kendo Club Team B)
3rd Place: ETO (Etobicoke Kendo & Iaido Club)

University of Toronto Fighting Spirit Award
Priscillia Momo (McGill University Kendo Club)

Daniel Saruyama Fighting Spirit Award
Étienne Mathieu (Montreal Kendo Club)